

The Settings class’ aim is to load a ‘settings.yml’ file containing every piece of configuration for a colifrapy program. This class is initialized by default by colifrapy’s hub and is a singleton so its state won’t change throughout your code.

Example of a settings.yml file (created by default in ‘config/’ by the Scaffolder)

# Basic Informations
version: '[project-name] 0.1.0'
description: 'Description of the program.'
usage: 'How to deal with your program'
- [ ['-t', '--test'], {'help' : 'Test', 'type' : 'int'} ]
- [ ['positionnal'] ]

# Logger Settings
    strings: 'config/strings.yml'
    flavor: 'default'
    title_flavor: 'default'
    # Delete the path line not to write the log to a file
    directory: 'logs'
    threshold: ['DEBUG', 'ERROR', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'VERBOSE']

# Generic Settings needed by your program
    hello: 'world'
    bonjour: 3.4
    hash: {'test' : 2}

Model Usage

In every class that extends colifrapy model, you can access your generic settings with the property settings. The following code assume the precedent yml file was loaded.

from colifrapy import Model

class MyModel(Model):
    def test(self):

        print self.settings.hello
        >>> "world"

        print self.settings.hash['test']
        >>> 2

Standalone Usage

As every colifrapy class, it is possible to use the Settings one as a standalone. The following example presents how you could do that and what you pass to it to make it work.

from colifrapy import Settings

# Loading the YAML file
s = Settings()

# Accessing the generic settings
d = s.getDict()
print d.hello
>>> "world"

# Accessing cache
c = s.getCache()

Once loaded, you can use it anywhere in your code and even reinstanciate it if convenient with it keeping the same state.



Standard program options are the following:
  • version : Name and version of your program (outputted with -v/–version option)
  • description : Short description of your program and what it does
  • usage : How to use your program
  • prog : Program’s name to display along usage string.
  • epilog : A final string to output when help is displayed.


A good command line tool often comes with arguments, you can register those in the yaml file for convenience. Once loaded with arguments, the Settings class will load the Commander one with them.

Those are to be defined as for the python ArgParser class.

Example of argument definition (under ‘arguments’ key).

- [ ['-t', '--test'], {'help' : 'Test', 'type' : 'int', 'default' : 5} ]
- [ ['-b', '--blue'], {'help' : 'Blue option', 'type' : 'int', 'required' : 'True'} ]
- [ ['some_positionnal_argument'] ]


The Logger class can be given some options through settings. If none are supplied, logger will still be initialized with its default values.

For more precise information see Logger.

For more precise information about the logger’s styles see Styles.

    # {string} [None] YAML string file.
    strings: 'example_strings.yml'

    # {boolean} [True] Should the CRITICAL level trigger exceptions?
    exceptions: False

    # {boolean} [True] Should we activate both logger's handlers?
    activated: True

    # {string} ['VERBOSE'] Threshold for both logger's handlers.
    threshold: 'INFO'

    # {string} The log message formatter for both logger's handlers.
    formatter: '%(msg)s -- %(asctime)'

    # {string|lambda} The flavor for colored levelname.
    flavor: 'elegant'

    # Console specific options

        # {boolean} [True] Should the console handler be activated?
        activated: True

        # {string} ['VERBOSE'] Threshold.
        threshold: 'DEBUG'

        # {string} ['%(flavored_levelname)s :: %(msg)s'] Formatter.
        formatter: '%(msg)s'

    # File specific options:

        # {boolean} [False] Should the file handler be activated?
        activated: False

        # {string} ['VERBOSE'] Threshold.
        threshold: 'ERROR'

        # {string} ['%(asctime)s %(levelname)s :: %(msg)s'] Formatter.
        formatter: '%(msg)s'

        # {string} ['.'] Directory where the file handler will write.
        directory: 'logs'

        # {string} ['program.log'] Filename for the log file.
        filename: 'current.log'

        # {string} ['simple'] File logging mode
        mode: 'rotation'

        # Rotation mode options
        # {int} [1048576] Max bytes for a current log file.
        max_bytes: 2097152

        # {int} [5] Max number of log files
        backup_count: 4

N.B.: Options passed at the logger level such as activated or threshold override the console and file one and apply to both.


If needed, the Settings class can also handle the initialization of a cacher. Just provide a ‘cache’ key to the settings and populate it.

For more precise information see Cacher.

    # Cache Directory
    # Default: cache
    directory: 'cache'

    # Cache filename
    # Default: 'cache.txt' for line mode and 'cache.yml' for yaml mode
    filename: 'project.log'

    # Kind of cache
    # Default: 'line' (choose between line and yaml)
    type: 'yaml'

    # Auto Write
    # Default: False
    auto_write: True

If you need more than one cache instance, just pass an array to the cache key in your YAML settings file. In this case, don’t forget to pass a name to your settings to access it. Else it will earn a standardized name like __cacheInstance0.

    - name: 'infos'
      filename: 'cache1.yml'
      type: 'yaml'

    - name: 'last_update'
      filename: 'last_update.txt'
      type: 'line'

Then access your cache likewise.

from colifrapy import Model

class MyModel(Model):
    def test(self):

        print self.cache['infos']
        print self.cache['last_update']


If you need any other settings you consider necessary, just provide a settings key to your yaml file and populate it as in the following example.

        host: localhost
        user: root
        password: foo
    to_index: ["books", "notes"]
    limit: 5

It is also possible to include other yaml files into those generic settings by following this procedure.

# Syntax is 'include::path/to/file.yml'
# Warning, will only work on the first level (not on a nested one)
    hello: 'world'
    hello2: 'include::path/to/another_config_file.yml'


For every path given, colifrapy will try and decide whether it is absolute or relative (unix-style):

'/usr/local/settings.yml' is an absolute path
'config/settings.yml' is a relative path (relative to the colifrapy hub file)